At the Four State Technology Conference I attended a Robo Rescue Showcase. This product was mainly used for classrooms. The robot was used made by Pittsco and also their partner Lego. This robot was actually the first time that Lego plastic was used to touch metal.
There was a camera on top of the Robot and you had to use the screen to navigate through the course. The course was built for only $80 with different stuff from HomeDepot. On the Robot is a two way radio and an arm to carry water or a First Aide Kit. The ability to carry objects is important because sometimes the robot is the first contact with an injured victim.
My favorite thing about this Pittsco Robot was that they only sell kits. This allows the students to build the robot the way they want to. The metal structure and kit allows you to adjust and set the pieces in the way that will help you build your Robot. Tetrix is the name of the metal building system.
This kit has been used in 25 countries and in several competitions world wide.